Park Avenue Plastic Surgery Class

Alan Goodwin, MD

Alan Goodwin, MD Profile Photo

Licensed Psychologist

Dr. Alan Goodwin is a licensed psychologist and has been providing psychotherapy and coaching in his private office in Encino, California, since 2003. He published a self-help book titled, “Saving Face Without Losing Your Mind: Bringing Mindfulness to Your Cosmetic Procedure” in November 2022 to psychologically help people prepare for or recover from cosmetic procedures.

March 28, 2023

Psych Yourself Out: Being Mindful About Plastic Surgery w/ Dr. Alan G…

Because both plastic surgeons and patients are perfectionists by temperament, it's a good meeting when they get together. But as humans, we have to accept that we're never going to achieve perfection. If we are too demanding toward ourselves and...

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